Thursday, September 08, 2005

Yokwe yok...Hello to you (singular)

Since I was unable to write last week I thought I would attempt to write two entries this week, (be sure to read the one below as well). The hard part is coming up with something to write about….
Today, I woke up around 7:30 and had to pull myself out of bed after grading papers and tests until midnight the night before. Hopped into the shower and was out the door at around 2 ‘til 8 It is so convenient to be located right next to the high school. I don’t know what I am going to do when I have to commute to work every morning and evening. My biology classes went well. We reviewed the test that they took last week after everyone finially finished taking it because of being late, and I am planning on meeting with the students who did poorly after school I hope to see an improvement in performance on the next test. In my Composition III classes we are working on plot development. In an attempt to make this more interesting I am having my student design there own comic, with a superhero and all. I think they are making great connections between the pictures they are drawing and what each should represent (rising action, climax, resolution…etc)
As of now there I have no plans for the weekend which means all I have is language lessons on Saturday morning, mass Saturday night, mass Sunday morning, and our community meeting Sunday afternoon….so even when I don’t have things to do I have things to do…lol
Well it is around 10pm and we just finished with our Rosary group. It was nice I am attempting to learn the Hail Mary in Marshallese, which has proven difficult. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My two English Classes have a quiz and were talking about Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates in Biology. I hope everyone has a great Thursday, and I hope your Friday comes soon…lol


Anonymous said...

Elton, Fats among perfomers at Katrina benefit
Big names such as Elton John The concert, dubbed "From the Big Apple to the Big Easy," will also feature Jimmy Buffett Stevie Nicks Lenny Kravitz Bette Midler John Fogerty In addition to underwriting the show, ...
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a how to become successful site/blog. It pretty much covers how to become successful related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...

Guess kids have a quiz on lipids, carbs., proteins, and nucleic acids tomorrow...even half way across the world you cann't stop copying me...he he. Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi there little one. Had the wedding this weekend, it was a total success. Although the bride seemed a little on edge, I remember those days and tried to simply support her and then quietly curse her behind her back. It was a HOT day so the full length dresses were almost unbearable, but I think everyone looked stunning, I will send pics when I have them, supposedly there is a web site we can view. Anyway, I can't say that I'm not glad it's over, it's a very stressful time for all involved in a wedding, just couldn't take another week of the madness. Needless to say, afterwards we all celebrated a bit at the hotel. It was great, however, I bruised my tailbone attempting to put on my PJ's in the room...fell right in between the bed and the wall on my keester, it was PAINFUL on Sunday, luckily I just spent the day on sis's couch! OUCH - and there I was complaining about my back and Shannon's has been OUT since last Thursday, I AM a baby. Darn. Well, at least I'm not telling you something you didn't already know!
Better get back to work. I made a mistake last week and my boss is making me pay for it today - literally, but that's for another e-mail. I love you! Keep up the great strides, we are all pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Mr. G,

I wore my jean jacket yesterday...a jacket in September, in LA...I love this weather!! So, I thought about the dude that gave me the jacket. Two of my girls saw my picture of the core four in my classroom and asked me that was my family (yeah, b/c I have a Korean brother and a "hispanic" brother too...he he). They couldn't believe that the picture was taken this past Christmas. The kept saying, "Ms. Bush you look like you are 17, oh my gosh Ms. Bush you so look like you are 17." While on my run today I heard "Shake it like a paloriod" and thought about our karoke days in Dan's room in Mobile hall and our karoke in Denver...ah good memories. Oh, Shannon and Mr. G, I stilllllll have my bracelet on (the jade one from the music fest. this summer...still on this arm of mine). Dayna, so sorry to hear about your rear...hope it feels better soon. Shannon, way to go with those great grades, and doing your homework, you are such a good student, you could give my students some lessons. Ok, so that story about Sam's story is sooooooo funny...I was dieing. When I was younger, I had a friend named Drea who was so bossy. I remember one day her mom picked her up from summer camp and said they were going home to work on Drea's bossyness (I don't know how you work on that) anyway, Drea turns to me and says, "Clare, I'm not bossy...right...I'm not bossy". It was great, she was bossing me to say she wasn't bossy. Well Montoyas, Russells, and Volks, I have lab reports to grade. I miss you all (especially the one not in the USA :) ).

Anonymous said...

Can you believe dad passed out??? I called mom right after I read her entry, she told me that he and I are very alike in that manner - I would have passed out too! Heck, I fall on my rear and it takes me out of work for a day - go figure! Well, it's been days and days and no word from the little brohanisberg, but that's ok, we all love and miss you! I have Jenna tonight, it's Heather's last horrah before surgery, so she's going out with her husband. Love you lots and lots! Happy Friday!

Clare, thanks for the well wishes, luckily my tailbone is in tip-top shape for the weekend. I JUST might have to sing a little karaoke in your honor! Shake it, sh-shshake it like a polaroid picture...You know what to DOOOO...

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. G,
Thanks for the email. It sounds like the dance was an event. We have our first school dance this Friday and yours truly is a chaperone. I get to wear a shirt that says "No Freaking"!!! This is Spirit Week at SMHS. I'm dressing up along with the kids...tomorrow I will be a nerd...complete with taped glasses and suspendors!! He he!!! Friday we don't have is a half day full of food, fun, and games!!!
I'm sad I missed your call. Here is the LA land line 562-923-4202
I hope to hear your lovely voice soon. I'm around the house phone from about 8:00 on most nights.
Well, I'm off to grade some lab reports and figure out how to teach my girls about cellular organelles...have a great day dear Greggle.
Missing you tons,