Saturday, September 17, 2005

Short and Sweet.

So sorry that I have to keep this short, but things are busy and I have a lot to do. I am supposed to cook dinner tonight, I'm thinking baked potoatos with all the fix'ns and need to do laundry as well as a ton and a half of grading. Our midquater grades are due. Wow the time has flown. I hope that our phone is fixed soon I would love to talk to each one of you. Dad I hope you are doing better. Did you pass out, because of the pain or the needle? Either way take it easy. Shannon keep up the good work. the kids' stories make me laugh. Mom, I'm so glad that you are doing RCIA I think the kids will be more than lucky to have you. Dayna, I sorry about the rear and would love to take pics. Core Four Keep it real.... Got to go....I have to go grocery shopping and get dinner done, so that i can grade and go to bed! Love you all Have a wonderful Sunday.
Nothing but Love,


Anonymous said...

Glad you are keeping busy...keeps you out of trouble!!!

Anonymous said...

Man, I'll say - busyt isn't the right word, it's more like inundated or overwhelmed...I know I would be...
Had a lovely weekend with the kids and sister, saw Mom and Dad on Friday night, that was a nice visit too, Dad looks good, Mom shaved his hair like Bruce Willis's, I love it, it looks very hip! He had also gotten his color back by then, the shot affect had warn off!
Nothing fun other than that to report, not a whole lot going on. I may travel to Moab, UT this weekend on the private plane for a company picnic, but I'm not sure, I'd have to ask Mom to babysit Zed, that could be problematic! Hee hee! I went to this picnic last year, it was ok, not a huge fan of eating out of dishes that have been prepared in kitchens I have never seen, but that is a little unreasonable since I eat in restaurants! So, we'll see, if the opportunity presents itself, maybe I'll go.
Well, I have e-mails coming in left and right as I type this, I love you little brother. Hope you are hangin' in there, we're all pullin' for you on this end!