Thursday, September 29, 2005


well they say a picture is worth a thousand that means I have 70,000 words to share with you just check your email address or email me and I'll email you the link


Anonymous said...

I just got a cup of coffee and I am getting ready to study the pics this morning. Thank you for taking the time to send them, this is just what the doctor ordered this morning! I love you, more comments after I meet some of your friends!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Mr. G. It looks like island life is treating you well. Have a pleasant weekend.
Missing you,

Caitlin said...

I want pictures! I sent you an e-mail, so you'd better send me the link!

Brian said...

Pretty interesting stuff going on with you Greg. Good luck with everything. Today in Mobile I waited at a stoplight. That was the highlight of my day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday little brother. It's been a long week already. I loved the pictures, revisit the site whenever I have time, it's nice to excape to the island during "rush hour" at the office. You look great, the island seems beautiful and I can't wait to come visit, I need to get on line and figure out how many jobs I need to get this Winter!

Work is fine, life is fine, all is just the same as you left it. My hair (bangs in particular) are getting long, but I promised I wouldn't cut it for two years, so here's to growing out my bangs for the first time in my life!!! That may not last, I may have to break my promise for my bangs sake! I have a 5-head you know, not a 4-head!

So I am having dinner with Heather tonight, she had surgery last week so I have been anxious to see her, she had a tumor on her thyroid and lymph node that had to be removed and although her 2nd and 3rd day of recovery were TOUGH, she is doing really well one week later. She starts chemo therapy in 10-25 days depending on how soon her body reacts to not having a thyroid, but she is over the biggest hurdle and on the road to recovery, the doctors think she has over 70% chance of being cancer free for life. I think she is anticipating HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to be her biggest hurdle as it is something she will have to do for the rest of her life, but like she says, it's better than the alternative!!

Well, i need to check e-mails for work prior to heading home in 30 minutes. I love you, can't wait to hear from you soon. I love you!!!

Dayna K

Anonymous said...

That Alexsi and Sam are some smart kids...they know a good dad and uncle when they see one!! I got your lovely letter today. I too gave my first test this week. Grades ranging from a 33 to a 100!! Your letter made my day, I literally jumped for joy when I got it (just ask Brigid...she is my witness).
Missing and Loving You,

Anonymous said...

Morning, I'm at work, listening to my new Gavin DeGraw CD, actually I won it, it's awesome, do you like him? He's a little melancholy, reminds me of Blessed Union of Souls, good stuff.

I have a cold, it's wearing me out, but I slept like a ROCK last night so hopefully with a little rest this weekend I will be fine!

Not much else to report, Heather gets her stiches out today, she's excited about that!

Shannnon has THE FUNNIEST STORY to tell you about Sam, I don't want to beat her to the punch here, but when you and Clare and whomever read the story you will fall of your chairs.

I love you and miss you and I agree that you will eventually be a fantastic Dad! I can't wait to be an aunt again - I must say I've never been complimented like that by the children so you must rock! Kidding Shannon, it's ok tho - I have a long way to go to catch up to Unkie~!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey...I've got news for you! Check your email!! Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday, I sent an e-mail this week - or two. It was GREAT hearing your voice last Sunday. I love you, have a fabulous weekend!


Anonymous said...

Morning little brother. So it's officially bee too long since we've heard form you! 2 weeks yesterday since the phone call and we are all chomping at the bit. Hope all is well, nothing really to report here, except i think i get a PT job this weekend, we'll see. It's cocktailing at a bar on Broadway called Barry's - it's small, intimate and not very trendy so it's not like a night club, but more classy, they do have pool in there however. So we'll see, I've never cocktailed, but I think I could handle it. I'll keep you posted.

I love you and miss you and hope for an update soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi there little brother, we sure miss hearing from you. It's Halloween and we'll all be at Shannon's house, call if you get a chance. LOVE YOU!


Anonymous said...

Hi there little brother, we sure miss hearing from you. It's Halloween and we'll all be at Shannon's house, call if you get a chance. LOVE YOU!


Anonymous said...

Hi there little brother, we sure miss hearing from you. It's Halloween and we'll all be at Shannon's house, call if you get a chance. LOVE YOU!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We love you and miss you, hope all is well. Be safe. Call or write when you can, we worry otherwise!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Well guess what Greg (and I guess this is really directed to Shannon, Dayna, and Mrs. Montoya, since I think we are the main readers of this page)...guess where yours truly Ms. Bush will exactly one week from now????? Are you ready...brace yourselves...I will be in the mile high city of Denver. That's right next Thursday I leave for Denver to visit my cousin for the long veterans day weekend!! I am soooo pumped!! This Mon-Wed I get to chaperone the senior retreat which is in Big Bear...I'm sooo pumped. Then on Thurs. the one day this week that I will teach, I am getting formally observed by me Notre Dame academic supervisor!!! Big time stuff. Then directly after school I leave for the airport to see my cuz!!! It is going to be a crazy week and I cann't wait. However before I can have all this fun, I have to do tons of work!! Anyway, hope all are well and hope to hear from you soon. Greg...are you alive?? Phone home (and LA).
Miss you and love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi there readers of Gregory's blog! It's Wednesday morning and I am so thrilled that Clare is coming to visit. I understand she is extremely busy this week so I am just getting my updates from Social Central - Shannon Russell. I will be wherever ya'll are around 5:30pm! No car pooling this Friday so I'll be directly to the Russell house, or to pick Clare up if that works out better, but either way, it's going to be great! Mom and Greg are going to Missourri so they won't be around, unfortunately.

Well, Mom says she's heard from our Majuro trooper, so that's a good sign, his computer is down, broken I think, and so is the phone in the house. Man, I'd go nuts. But although he's busy he's doing well and staying out of trouble (I just added that part, hell I don't know!)

Ok, so love you Gregory Paul Montoya, hope to hear from you soon.

Love, Dayna

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr. G,

I had the best time with your family in Denver. I just love Shannon, Dayna, Andy, and the kids!! Thanks guys for such a lovely Saturday...I reall felt like I was part of the family. It was one of my best Saturdays in a long time.
I love my Russells, Volks, and Montoyas!
The only thing that could have made it better is if you were there to enjoy the day with us!
Miss you tons and hope all is well. Write or call soon.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

HIAWATHA, it really stinks not getting replies back from you Brother, but we haven't given up. You are in our continuous thoughts and prayers and we all love you so much. I got your letter, it was just nice to hear from YOU. Snail mail takes a while, doesn't it? We should have mailed your Christmas box in April it seems!

We had a blast with Clare, she is a doll. Hope you are well, you just sound so exhausted when I talk to you!

Love you!
