Monday, July 18, 2005

Give me a J...Give me a V... Give me an I...

Well, Today is the first full day of orientation for JVI, or as they call it big O ( hmmmm I thought that was something else...) Anyway, things are going along nicely. Mom and Dad left yesterday after we celebrated mass together, and I swear they were trying to make us cry cause they played ever sad song you could think of...But it wasn't to bad to say bye in fact My mom didn't. She said she wasn't going to say the "b" and she didn't mean the typical "B" word, LOL Well I met my two fellow community members and they are really cool. I think we are going to have a great time. There names are Jacqueline and Emily. Unfortunatly Jacquline did loose her luggage but is handling it very well. Tonight the three of us are incharge of the night activity, and because it is the first night that a group is incharge we are not quite sure what were going to do...but we have some good ideas :) Today we have already had two sessions the first on the JVI mission and the second was on the Jesuits...they were good, slightly repetitive, but presented in a great fashion. These two weeks are going to fly right bye and I am a bit nervous...we are going to be getting a lot of infirmation that we will need for the next two years I am however, very excited about Majuro. The two FJ (former volunters) who just left Majuro are here and are a great resourse. It is so nice to get answeres to some of the many questions I have. It definitly makes it a lot more real.


Caitlin said...

Yay, Greg! I was excited to see a post from you and I am glad that your two fellow Majuro JVI's are nice, and that saying goodbye wasn't too bad. Good luck with the rest of orientation!

.daniel. said...

Hey boyee. I'm glad that everything is going well. Make sure to tell them about little ole Dan and how wonderful a person he is! I got your iPod info. and will be doing that stuff shortly. I'm going to see if I can get anymore songs from Bilbrey. Other than that, I hope life is good and everything. I got your postcard from Chicagah! Thanks, hoss. And I'm waiting for this mailing you speak of. I don't know if you'll be able to check this or if you'll be able to call much, but I'm praying for you bud and missing the phone calls already and late night IMs! You bastard! You've left me! How could you?!? HAHA. xxx

Anonymous said...

Yeah...little Greg is happy. I'm soooo glad to hear that things are going so well! Missing you already!