Sunday, July 24, 2005

do what you got to do.....

Things are going well for the most part...
Friday night a group of 17 of us went out and had a couple of drinks, it was nice we were celebrating a long week and a fellow JV's 23 birthday! I had a Jagerbomb and two blue moons. It was nice to unwind and process all the information and talk throught the emotions of the last six days. Well It worked out that almost all the individuals left earlyer then myself and two others. And as they returned they were not very respectful. so the following morning. We all got yelled at for being loud. (which i agree, would need to be adressed) and also for going out in the first place! Lets just say it wasn't very cool. and it kinda sucked. I feel that all of us need that time to relax after 14 hour days of listening and participating in activites. There comes a time when enough is enough. So long story short. Some times you got to do what you got to do. and I'm glad we went out I had the oppertunity to get to talk to some really cool people....
In other news...
Today we a group of 6 of us... myself and 5 girls...( Clare....what can i say...."they love me") :) went to the movies to see Willie Wonka, it was different, almost a drag. But i did notice seveal parallels too JVI that was kinda cool.....I too just got my "golden" ticket today! My plane tickets that is. WE leave August 1st and fly to Huston and then on to Honaluloo (spelling?) for TWO thats right 2 night!!!! and then on two Majuro...Nothing like volunteering in style. I'm really looking forward to it too because I hope to meet up with Julie Walsh, a former JV who graduated from Spring hill and lives in Honalulu.


Caitlin said...

You get to spend 2 days in Hawaii?!! No Fair! Sounds like you're in for a fun time. I'm so glad you're doing well, and I can't wait for you to actually get to Majuro because I want to hear all about it! Miss you. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi dear dear Greg,

Well, don't worry about "getting in trouble", tell the JVI peepsthat a key part of being in a Jesuit organization is drinking it up...he he! I made it back home safe and sound. I got to spend the night with Michelle in was nice.
Shannon sent pics. of the girl's hair...too cute.
So, what is this I hear about a date with 5 girls!! :) I told you that they would all love you!
That is great, I'm glad you are going out, having fun, and making friends.
Hawaii...2 life is sooooo hard. No, really live it up and enjoy yourself.
I'm glad you are keeping up to date with the makes me smile when I see a new entry. Yeah, Danny ate dinner at my house with the parents without me even being better watch yourself, they may favor Danny over you...j/k!
Alright, question for it better to write really long responses to your blog or to email you? Which do you prefer?
I hope your second week is as great as your first week.
Call me soon!!!
Love and miss you,

.daniel. said...

Hey kiddo--Well, what can I say? I miss lil Gregle. It's strange how this is like an open forum for people to read responses to you. Haha..keeps me in touch with your family and our friends!

Anyway, New Orleans was crazy fun. Good to hang with Ken and Caitlin. I'm thinking about packing and wallowing in my weirdness and strangeness. :) I don't know what that means, really.

It was quite fun to eat dinner with Clare's parents, by the way. Always good G&T's. I'm glad you had Blue Moon--way not to forget the filtered Belgian ectasy in a bottle.

Call me, loser. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Brother, it's Dayna, just catching up on the comments on your blog. I miss you so much. Just got off the phone with Mom, she was trying to nap. Told her about all of the break-ins at my place last night, nine cars were vandalized, and the reports are still coming in to the department. Nothing much to report on my end, I use the garage! Work and life are good for me, love hearing about your adventures. Wish we were in Hawaii with you, can't believe that's how you get to kick-off your adventure. Love you lots, take care.