Friday, December 02, 2005


Well, I am sending you this short blog update from CMI, College of the Marshall Islands. I don't know if I am supposed to be using the internet for personal reasons, but I don't see a sign telling me not to. Things here are going well I can't believe that it is already December, 3. Where did the time go? I hope all is well with everyone I am getting excited about Christmas break. I hope to send a long blog soon. As long as the librarians don't kick me out.


Caitlin said...

Yay for a new blog! I just got your letter a few days ago--I was very excited. I hope you're having fun out there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg...your two favorite people are together in Downey...Danny is standing right here in my classroom...we both miss you gobs.
Stay well and don't be stressed or sad.

We love you,
Clare and Danny

Anonymous said...

What does Clare mean don't be stressed or sad...are you telling her something you aren't telling ME??? Are you stressed or SAD??? I can't handle that! Ok, if you are stressed OR sad, remember this, we love and miss you more than you know. You are in our every thought and prayer and not a day goes by that we don't wish you were within arms reach so that we could touch you. Christmas will not be the same without you, period. It just won't. I worry about what you will do, and eat that day, or who you will be with, I hope you eat well, enjoy your celebration and surround yourself with the people you enjoy most on your Christmas Day. I love you and by the time you read this Christmas may have PASSED! Don't get kicked out of the library, just minimize the screen when someone walks by! Hope you enjoy the box, we all had a part in it, and mostly want our love to flow out of the box when you open it. Hopefully it will smell a little bit like home, or diesel fuel, those barges tend to leak oil! LOL



Anonymous said...

Ok, so now are we not only trying to see who gets to the blog first, but now, we try to write the SADDEST e-mail to see who can make who cry harder! Geeze sister, that last entry form you was a killer...and I am out of tissue at my desk! Ok, I love you Gregory, and I am glad to know that you plan to drink coconut milk out of an actual coconut on Christmas.

Anonymous said...

O.K. reading these blogs is like watching an episode of Oprah!!! LOL!!! know we love, we are all so very proud, and I know you realize how truly blessed you are.
Keep the emails coming...I love them and honestly check my email like every hour!!!
Missing you in LA,

Anonymous said...

Hey SaraWarner3802 - get the heck outta here!!!!

Anonymous said...

On a more serious note...hi there Gregory! I got the CD and you are correct Sir, I was able to view it and I showed it to all of my friends in the office - both of them loved it - ha ha! kidding, I showed it to Dawn, she and I carpool together and have become good friends, I showed it to Cynthia, she was in the Peace Corps - the pictures brought back a lot of memories for her. I showed it to Jamie - he's a PT miniter on the weekends, I've showed it to Hugh, his son is just a little younger than you, he found it to be very inspirational. Anyway, I have more than two friends, that was my point. BAck tot he CD, I LOVE LOVE LOVED it, I can't believe what an amazing job you did on the special affects and graphics, I love PPT so I was amazed at all of the special additions you added to the presentation, best present yet! And maybe, if that is something you enjoy, you can envelope that into your "calling". Who knows.

Work is going well, I got a lot of recognition this month, and you knowe me, I LOVE ATTENTION - positive attention. I threw two awesome events - one for the Gov. of NM and the company Christmas party, both very successful - speaking of calling, if I didn't love this job so much, I'd go into party planning or coordination, FUN!

Clare, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! And the very best to you in 2006...I hope you make your way here or I can make my way to CA over the next few months.

We are beginning the "Biggest Loser" contest at the office on 1/2/06, you have to be willing to post your name and your starting weight on the bulletin board, both in the offic enad ONLINE...this freaked me out at first, but I thought if anything will promote my weight loss it will be knowing everyone knows my current weight and try to make it less! We get $50.00 for every 10# too! The final winner gets a jackpot of $250.00 for first place or something like that. We are trying to promote health and wellness in the mines, those miners tend to live not so healthy lives! Ok, I gotta run, I love you and I am thinking about you constantly this week. You are part of my every thought, I hope you are well and happy and cool - especially on Christmas! MWA! Love, Dayna

Anonymous said...

Happy 2006 brother! Sorry it's been a while since my last entry, I was off from the 26th until today so I haven't had regular access to a computer.

New Years Resolutions - Dayna Style:

DON'T CUT HAIR And the biggie...
It's been two days - no smoking. I get a little irrate at times but so far no cravings, I wasn't much of a daily smoker, mainly in the bars or in my car so I have to make it a point not to increase my opportunities for a "trigger" episode so, no bars for a while and apparently I'll have to walk to work? Kidding, tonight's ride home from work will be the toughest, I usually light up when Dawn get's out at her house and suck one down before I get home. I did however, drive by TWO gas stations last night on my way home from Target - where they don't sell smokes - and didn't stop, so that's a step in the right direction, I figure if I can make it until Dad's birthday without a smoke I'll be that much closer to quit for good. Baby steps, that's all.

My days off were fine, nothing overly exciting to mention. New Year's came and went as well, it was a bit a a failure, but just the night, not my hope for the year.

Work is great, can't complain there at all, it's a great company and I am so grateful to be part of it.

I hope you are well, I haven't heard about conversations you've had with Mom or sis lately so I assume you are hard back at work and ever swamped as usual. The time must pass so quickly.

Youa re missign an amazing Winter season here in CO. So far, very little snow, a lot of wind which I don't mind as it blows all of the crappy pollution out, but we set records all over the place on Christmas Day, NEVER in the history of the weather service has Denver experienced a warmer Christmas, 69 degrees was the high, almost boating weather. It's been lovely, AND, the mountains are experiencing the best snow season in years so it's the best of both worlds, couldn't be happier. Especially working downtown, it gets darn cold in the shade down here.

I have to get back to work, but I love you and miss you and wanted to wish you a Happy New Year, I wasn't at Shannon's, but I hear it was a good time, I decided to insitute a once a month family game night, starting Friday, January 13th, I think it'll be a good time.

Miss you, love you and hope you are doing well, I hope you aren't too lonely and that you continue to grow into your role and daily life there, I know you ahve to be looking forward to visitors!

i Love you!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope you all had a grrrrrrreat holiday...I sure did!!
Dayna, what's this I hear about Greg having exciting!!!!!
Miss you all (especially you Mr. G)!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well, I have been very busy at work, but you are on my mind. Glad to hear you spoke to Shannon. Love you!


Anonymous said...


Just had a recent thought about you and decided to send another message. Had Bunko last night, your name always seems to get brought up. Ended up NOT playing because the Bunko box was at Michelle's house and no one else had dice, so we just ate Mac & Ceese (homemade of course) and sausage. I also made shakes for dessert. I hope all is well, and if you ever get a chance, my cell phone number is 720.938.6600, you can call me too. Guess I am a little jealous. Love you!
