Wednesday, August 03, 2005


IT is currently 5:30 in the morning in Hawaii, and boy what a time we have had. a group of 5 of us arrived here on monday evening around 6pm and were in aww over the beuaty of the water. Yesterday, I think we managed to do more in one day then most people do in their entire vacation. We woke up at around 7 and were out the door by 8 after being on the bus for a while we got off in China town and looked around at the market and each got a pastery. I got a coconut felled thing it was amazing. We got back on the bus and met up with Julie Walsh, an Alumi of SHC who is also a former volunteer who was in Majuro back in 1990. She now lives in Hawaii and has her PH D. in cultural Anthoropology. ( ....Hawaii may be in my future....) after having a wonderful breakfast we decided to climb a tree while Julie took Chuuk Jaclyn ( another island in micronesia) to the air port to pick up AJ the rest of us hung out at the beach and climed an amazing tree. I felt as if I was part of Swiss Family Robinson. When we all were reunited we rentend bikes and rode up to Dimond Head, where we continued on by foot. For those of you who are unaware Dimond Head is a valcano, but no worryes it hasn't exploded in thousands of years. I was actually inside the bowl of the valcano, so tecnichly speaking....I was inside a valcano!!! well we climed up to the highest point and the view was breath taking. It was ocean every which way and mountains behind us. It was beautiful. After riding back and returning the bikes we went back to the beach and found a place to eat. I had fish tacos. They were mmmmmmmmmm good. Well it is now 5:45 and and our plane leaves at 7:00 I can't believe I am about to leave for 2 years. I am so excitd to meet Diane and Chris, our two fellow community members who have already been there a year. I hope everyone is doing well it is so nice to read all of your comments remember to keep in touch. Nothing but love.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are having a blast little bro! Wow, you write very well, your stories envelope me each time! I am getting ready to go on a business trip to Wendover, UT, somehow it seems very small in comparison to your recent travels!!!! LOL Anyway, I hear Wendover is the gateway to Nevada, there's a lot of gambling and such so it should be a good time. When do we get to start seeing some photgraphs? I love you!


Caitlin said...

Sounds like you had a blast, greg! Have a safe trip to Majuro, and send me your snail mail address! I still don't have it, and I want to send you a letter, so get on that! Smooches!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Sounds like Hawaii is somewhere I definetly need to visit!! I'm glad to hear you are having such a blast...we need to have a Core Four reunion in does that sound?!? I'm off the the big LA tomorrow...pray for me (and pray even harder for my Dad...he he)! It is kind of cool that both of us are doing cross country trips with our dads in the summer of 2005. Doesn't yours seem like so long ago? Well, like Dayna anytime, night or day...I no longer turn off my cell at night...hoping it might just ring!
Be safe, have fun, do good!
Missing my little Greggle,

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm in a hotel in Tuscon on my way to LA. What is this I read about our two years of similarity keep arising. How is the wonderful town of Majuro...don't forget to fill me in!! Check your email...I'm writing you a long one.
Miss you and hope all is well down South...keep praying...I have another day of travels ahead...LA or bust!!