Friday, July 29, 2005

Silence is Golden...?!?!?!?!?

Well I got back yesterday from a silent retreat...(ok mostly silent). The time was well needed and was a great time to reflect and to process what I'm about to get myself into. During the 36 hours of silence I did realize just how serious a two year commitment is....and it kinda scared me. Today is Friday I leave MONDAY!!!! well things are going well here. kinda slow and back in the grind but im definetly getting ready. Tonight I have my one on one, so please keep me in your prayers. I really have no reason to be nervous, but hey you know how that goes. To all of you my faithful readers. I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate hearing about your days as well. Please keep it up....
i'll be sure and write again soon, but i have to go for now until then. Peace

Sunday, July 24, 2005

do what you got to do.....

Things are going well for the most part...
Friday night a group of 17 of us went out and had a couple of drinks, it was nice we were celebrating a long week and a fellow JV's 23 birthday! I had a Jagerbomb and two blue moons. It was nice to unwind and process all the information and talk throught the emotions of the last six days. Well It worked out that almost all the individuals left earlyer then myself and two others. And as they returned they were not very respectful. so the following morning. We all got yelled at for being loud. (which i agree, would need to be adressed) and also for going out in the first place! Lets just say it wasn't very cool. and it kinda sucked. I feel that all of us need that time to relax after 14 hour days of listening and participating in activites. There comes a time when enough is enough. So long story short. Some times you got to do what you got to do. and I'm glad we went out I had the oppertunity to get to talk to some really cool people....
In other news...
Today we a group of 6 of us... myself and 5 girls...( Clare....what can i say...."they love me") :) went to the movies to see Willie Wonka, it was different, almost a drag. But i did notice seveal parallels too JVI that was kinda cool.....I too just got my "golden" ticket today! My plane tickets that is. WE leave August 1st and fly to Huston and then on to Honaluloo (spelling?) for TWO thats right 2 night!!!! and then on two Majuro...Nothing like volunteering in style. I'm really looking forward to it too because I hope to meet up with Julie Walsh, a former JV who graduated from Spring hill and lives in Honalulu.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

ewwwwwwwww germs.....

Things are going great. I cant believe how fast the time is flying by. Yesterday we had a FJV (former volunter) and talk to us about health. She did a great job and we even go a little messy with one of her deminstrations...Lets just say if germs were chocolate pudding it would make it a lot easier to know when one need to wash there hands. Today are disscussions and presenter is also a former volunteer. We are getting a one day crash course in how to teach. So far we have talked about the three learning styles and the 8 different types of inteligences. Its so crazy to think that in a little over two weeks I'll begin teaching. Today was also great because I also go to sit down with Mary Beth, a FJV who went to Majuro. I got to see pictures!!! and im so pumped. They look very simular to the pictures at the link to the right. The house and school where I'll be teaching are next to each other, and the water looks beautiful. I also learned that we will have to boil all the water we use outside of shower water. for a minumum of 20 minutes. As far as community goes. Emily, Jacqueline and myself are making great bonds. I think these next two years are going to me great.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Are you ready to get "unplugged"

I can't believe that today is only the second full day. The information we are covering is way important and way exciting, and I can't believe I have to wait until August 2nd to leave. I recently found out that a week after i get to Majuro I will begin teaching...YIKES! I'm ready. Today two of the former volunteers presented those of us going to the Marshall Islands and Micornisia with shell necklaces and also sang a traditional song for us it was awsome and made me feel good to see that they were willing to be a little silly. Last night's activity went well The RMI group (republic of the marshall islands) was incharge and we sang the "baby shark song" the "boogaloo song" and also played boom chica boom and everyone loved it. Im currrently helping a fellow JV to create her own blog.....nobody has herd of it....i feel like the computer nerd (dan i know how you must feel...LOL) Well I love you all take care

Monday, July 18, 2005

Give me a J...Give me a V... Give me an I...

Well, Today is the first full day of orientation for JVI, or as they call it big O ( hmmmm I thought that was something else...) Anyway, things are going along nicely. Mom and Dad left yesterday after we celebrated mass together, and I swear they were trying to make us cry cause they played ever sad song you could think of...But it wasn't to bad to say bye in fact My mom didn't. She said she wasn't going to say the "b" and she didn't mean the typical "B" word, LOL Well I met my two fellow community members and they are really cool. I think we are going to have a great time. There names are Jacqueline and Emily. Unfortunatly Jacquline did loose her luggage but is handling it very well. Tonight the three of us are incharge of the night activity, and because it is the first night that a group is incharge we are not quite sure what were going to do...but we have some good ideas :) Today we have already had two sessions the first on the JVI mission and the second was on the Jesuits...they were good, slightly repetitive, but presented in a great fashion. These two weeks are going to fly right bye and I am a bit nervous...we are going to be getting a lot of infirmation that we will need for the next two years I am however, very excited about Majuro. The two FJ (former volunters) who just left Majuro are here and are a great resourse. It is so nice to get answeres to some of the many questions I have. It definitly makes it a lot more real.