Sunday, June 10, 2007

G'Day from Down Under

Well I guess Montoyainmajuro has officially come to an end, but Montoya in Australia just doesn't have the same ring :( Things here are pretty crazy I went for a walk this morning and think I'm in love Sydney is wicked cool and cold! I am still trying to get my land legs and adjust to the big city but for the most part things are looking up.... literally. Everyone is so friendly and its odd being surrounded by English speaking, white people. I feel a bit out of place. I have no idea what to do first and feel like I could just sit and watch the people go by for hours. I'll be sure to update the blog with some pics soon as I get my hands on an outlet converter for the ol' ipod.


Anonymous said...

Hi there little brother. Man I am so happy you are out of the MI. I am slammed at work, but I love you and I think of you often, can you send a number where we might reach you?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for pictures! Be sure to hug Danny for me, I gave him the same instructions for there should be an akward double hug. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Aussie! It was so great to see you Greggers!