Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas time...

Life in the pacific is good. I got a wonderful package from my parents full of was just what I wanted.... I only have exams left until I am free from 1st semester! Tonight is night 2 of the variety show and Wow can come of my students dance!!!


Anonymous said...

Only one more semester for the both of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello and a Merry Christmas to you! I was soooo glad you got the box before Christmas.. Alexsi and I helped my neighbor with her sons wedding and met a girl who was on Pompei and found out dad and I were going to see you. She filled us in on a lot of things, she stayed in Majuro for 2wks. I'm not sure when it was but she's young. The motor on the furnace went out on our new house, luckily we gave up on getting in by Christmas. Take care. Love, dad and mom xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...

Hi little brother! Nice blog, thanks for the update. We've been missing you! Things in CO are COLD this week, but we can't really complain (well, Mom can, she doesn't have heat at the new house). Anyway, the weather has been mild so far this Winter that the cold snap is to be expected. Work is great, home is great, nothig major to report except we miss you, love you and hope youare well! Love Always!
