Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

Life in Majuro is going well. Last night we had a small gettogether for all the volunteers on island. We rented and watched Shawn of the Dead. It was a lot of fun. Mike and I also decided to share the spirt of Halloween with our students and dressed up in Assumption uniform for the second half of the day. It was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed it. I also have been running. Both Monday and today I ran for 55minutes Straight!!! Which is easily over 5 miles. Im excited and hope that I can keep it up. Only 60 days until 2007 and only 71 days until my folks arrive...not that im counting down the days or anything!!!
I have Marshallese class tonight and am incharge of our communities spirituality, which I have yet to plan. Say a prayer for me. You are already in mine!!!
Bar lo kom Alop!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello, Happy belated Halloween to you. I guess you didn't get your package yet? Let us know. The kids had a great halloween and they looked sooo cute. Sam wanted to be a carrot so Shannon made his costume in 15 min. Dad and I dressed up for Aunt Rosemary's party we had fun. Well take care and we always keep you in our prayers. Love MOM and DAD xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...

I checked yesterday for a message and heard from Mom this morning that you updated the blog today...I was thrilled, I have been a little bored this morning so this gives me something to do! I am doing well, I missed Halloween yesterday because I had to work late so I went home after work, not one tricker treater left in my parts - of course I live with a lot of old people! I went to the Bronco's game on Sunday with my friend John and his brother Skip, John flew in from Virginia Beach and Skip drove in from Kansas City, I have pictures I will e-mail to you. We had a blast. I picked John up from the airport Friday night, he and I went to dinner at Jax downtown and then out for drinks while we waited for his brither who arrived at midnight. Saturday we watched college football on TV and then went to dinner at Elway's that night, those brothers are an absolute riot! We have pictures of that night too, but Skip took that camera home so I am waiting for the pictures from him. Sunday we got up early and headed downtown, the game was at 2pm. We took a cab to the stadium not thinking what a nightmare it would be to get a cab going back to the car! The day was perfect - like 70 degrees, we tailgated with Heather's husband for a while and then went into the stadium. A guy at work had gotten me the tickets, 3 tickets, 8th row enzone, south stands, could it have been more perfecto - NO! Oh wait, we lost, that wasn't so good, but it was a great game, and probably one of my best days! Shannon was nice enough to find me on Federal and take us to my car, had it not been for her, we might still be walking! John and Skip went home on Monday and I came to work...my house seems very quiet now! Tonight I have to make white choc popcorn for a pot luck on Friday, I am also making spaghetti pie - but that's more for me! You sound great, send pictures when you can, and let me know if there is anything you need. I am reading the Memory Keeper's Daughter right now, man, it's a tear jerker! I love and miss you so very much! May God continue to bless you! And, can you send some of that running energy to me???? What about your back, I thought it was bothering you??? Didn't you think running CAUSED the pain? You are one tough cookie my friend! I love you, take care and run like the wind!

Anonymous said...

55 minute runs...WHAT WHAT...that is great!!! In that amount of time you can go around the whole island more than once!
Happy All Saint's Day,