Wednesday, March 22, 2006


“Wow!” I have officially been made aware that this word escapes my mouth at least 50 times a day. Its usage covers an energetic short, “WOW!” when one of the many Small Island kids are showing me the coloring they just completed. It also fits when I am honestly not paying attention and am offering it as a long more drawn out, less then interested “w—o—w.” In fact the word has not only infiltrated my vocabulary, but has in fact become a part of the vocabulary of many of my community mates. However, their tone often seems to be of a more sarcastic “wow.” After living with these fine individuals for 7 months I have all so noticed each of their own quirks and eccentricities.

Chris- More of the quiet type, thinks before he speaks, enjoys quoting movies, loves watching movies, prefers vegetable spread to butter, clears his throat when brushing his teeth, uses a spoon to peel an orange, examines every utensil, mug and dish before even considering it “clean” enough to be used.

Diane- is an external processor, can talk about nothing for hours, makes the sign of the cross in a way only a ballerina could, enjoys listening to country music, is a big fan of the balanced meal… which includes a carb, a vegetable and a protein.

Emily- Easy to talk to, has a contagious laugh, isn’t afraid of experimenting in the kitchen, is the most likely to be spotted reading a book, walks on her toes when doing the dishes, is not a fan of confrontation, is a running fool, and ran more then 15 miles last Saturday.

Jacqueline- Is a big fan of the word “hardcore”, questions everything…twice, likes things orderly, sees everything in black and white, writes letters home regularly, reads religious books on faith, enjoys brushing her teeth and values good oral hygiene.

I now live it up to you the reader… Please list my habits, quirks, and eccentricities. I will pick the best one and publish it in my next post. Remember to be honest, tasteful and most of all make me laugh J

Did you know…?

that the paid teachers at Assumption make only $4.50 an hour.

that yours truly knows how to open a drinking coconut, or “ni” with his bare hands.

that there is a population of yachters in Majuro referred to as “Yachties”, who can be spotted easily by there tan and leathered skin.

that the National Telecommunication Authority, NTA cut off phone service to the police and the emergency hospital, because of unpaid phone bills. (its been turned back on)

that on Friday the Assumption boy’s basketball team is playing in the championship.

that last year the basketball team won.

that the US Ambassador to the Marshall Islands is not Catholic, but received permission to receive communion.

that my junior students are reading the book The Little Prince, and that some of them admitted to never have read an entire book.

that the only award last year’s valedictorian did not receive was the Marshallese Award, only because she wasn’t Marshallese.

that if one had to sum up the Marshallese lifestyle in two words it would be; jombo and bwebwe-natto, which translate “to wander aimlessly/ go cruising” and “talk-story” respectively.

Currently in biology we are learning about nutrition. I had my students record everything they ate over one day and bring in the nutrition fact labels. We are now in the process of creating our own “food pyramids” In order to better understand what foods our lacking in their diet. Many of them consumed little or no fruits or vegetables and more than enough sugar and fat.

English is going rather well. We are currently reading, The Little Prince. I had never read the book before, but am glad that we happened to have enough copies to use. The book is very short at 113 pages, and is considered more of a children’s book. We are going through the book painstakingly slow in hopes that everyone is reading. I also hope that we also go beyond the surface and get to the true meaning of the story. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know. I am planning on having them make dioramas…Which I think are a lot of fun, hopefully they will as well.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Thanks to you I got to blog first. It was so nice talking to you. You sound great and hope to hear from you again Saturday eve. Dad will be excited I talked to you but disappointed he missed the call. Take care and God bless. LOVE MOM xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...

I'm second! Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

I can't write a lot, Dawn is ready to go home, I love you! More tomorrow!

Caitlin said...

Great to hear from you, Gregle! I'm enjoying the "Did you know" section, and I've been sharing with Mom and Dad, too. They find it very interesting. Let's see if I can describe Greg....
A crusader, always wanting to help others and better the world; can do amazing things with duct tape; is missing his Chipotle, I'm sure; has amazing PowerPoint skills; makes a mean enchilada; loves orange, but not wearing it; doesn't like animals; is called Greg-oreo not just because he likes oreos....
I'll stop there for now. Miss you, buddy!

Anonymous said...

The blogs...what can I say - I love them!!

Gregory Paul Montoya -
sleeps with his arms on his chest as if he were in a coffin, only uses a washcloth once, prefers cereal with half & half as opposed to milk, first concert was Justin Timberlake, has a "Rockstar" name, hates a.k.a. "loves" his birthday, goes through periods where he doesn't cut his hair, has watched "Closer" more than anyone I know, has hairy toes and white marks on his toenails, loves stuffed peppers hold the peppers, loves the movie "Benny and June", and is missed greatly by a girl in L.A. much love

Anonymous said...

Oh my...Caitlin and Clare, you girls have made me tear up! From Gregory's older sister, it's so amazing to see how you describe him, I wasn't surprised however, for a girl with two injured arms that Clare's description was so thoughtful, lengthy and honest, that's true friendship, hope the injuries are healing nicely little Clare!

Sister, I never noticed that you walk on your toes while doing the dishes - only when something is too high for you to reach, then look out, she pulls out the knives! And that's the truth, she will pluck a basket off of the top of her cabinets with a bread knife, it's a talent only she, "The Smurf" possesses. Emily and you, could be sisters...but Emily would have to hate her B-Day too!

How is it that I came to LOVE my B-Day??? Which is only 30 days away I might add! It must have something to do with my being the always misunderstood "middle child"! LOL

Gregory, you'll have to let me know when you get My Friend Leonard, it was sent on Monday, 3/20/06.

What I know about my brother...he is super sensitive, in the good way, always considering others feelings methodically. Besides the word WOW, he likes UM. He's a bit of a procrastinator, isn't a big fan of doing laundry or keeping an organized room, tends to not close his lips on utensils, like his Dad. He fears being overweight, or at the very least unhealthy. Gives and Rrceives more love from his nieces and nephew than he will ever know. His influence on them has made impressions that leave me AWE struck. He's a pleaser and a controller all at the same time. Like me he usually cries when he's angry - or has had a few beers. He's a good fighter like his oldest sister - his words can cut like knives. He is a dedicated son, brother and teacher and probably one of the most talked about people in my life. Also like me, he is a big fan of the Happy Pant. And thinking of him brings me great joy.

I love you little brother, and I can't wait to learn more about you, the Marshall Islands and your housemates in the upcoming "Did you Know" section of your BLOG!

Hope you are well, that it's not too hot and that the Basketball team took the championship! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Hello, We are trying to find the mosquito netting. Are you thinking of something that drapes over you? It's not a silly question just that I want to send what you need. Let me know. LOVE, mom