Thursday, March 30, 2006

Annaco Island here we come!!!

Well I got to keep this short. The five of us are heading to thr island of Annaco for our retreat. We will be the only five people on the entire island for the next two days. Please keep us in your prayers God Bless.
Did you know…

That it is not uncommon to spot a grown man wearing platform flip-flops that are often two sizes too small.

That the Marshall Islands has socialized health car, which means it only costs them 50 cents to visit the doctor and a foreigner only $17.50 including medicine.

That there are 23 Pacific Island countries not including Australia or New Zealand.

That Marshallese commonly carry quarters in there ears.

That there are 3 “Ns” in the Marshallese language, two of which I have a hard time distinguishing between.

That the Marshallese language has a rolling “R” like in Spanish, and it is not found in the language of any other Pacific country.

That in order to flush the toilet on the boys side, you must pull up on the plastic hanger, because the flusher is broken.

That the U.S. Army recruits at Assumption High School along with the other high schools, and that at least two Marshallese soldiers have died in the war.

That the other day when I saw that one of my students had a tattoo, I asked if her mom knew she had it, and she replied, “Yes, she’s the one who gave it to me.”

That according to the Filipinos that I work with, there are people in the Philippines who volunteer to be crucified on Good Friday…luckily, not to death. But a nail pounded into your feet and hands…OUCH!

That this Saturday, is the Marshallese holiday of Slo Oflirpa, pronounced (Slaw-of-lirpa), and translated in to English it means both “you are as wise as you look” and “read backwards.”


Anonymous said...

Hello, Shannon must stay up nights waiting for you to blog. Wow! Justkidding. We sold the house on 33rd. asking 230 and they offered 241. They wanted it real bad. Things are going great. LOVE, MOM xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...

Hi little brother...once again your "Did You Know" section captivated me! I love that the native carry quarters in their ears!

I am SO ready for the weekend, it's going to be NICE here so I am going to wash my car by hand tomorrow, I actually can't wait. Then I think I am going to go roller blading with an old friend of mine. I also want to Spring clean my place, I need to steam clean my carpets.

You probably won't get this until your retreat is complete, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers as usual, I hope the trip is fulfilling.

I agree with Mom that Shannon is so competitive that she must wait up nights to get to your blog first!

Nothing more to report, I love you and hope you are well. You will be on my mind and in my heart this weekend. Love you!


Anonymous said...

I must say...I win for the LONGEST entries!

Anonymous said...

Was your students tattoo MOM inside a heart?? That would be funny.
Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hello, I assume you made it back safely from the deserted island. We had a great weekend. Things are going well and we put an offer on the house again because they want no deals full price. Take care and God bless you all. Love, MOM and DAD xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I must figure this out.