Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Mardi Gras

Well it's that time again! Even here in Majuro we plan to celebrate. Even if it is just the five of us going out for pizza. I mean why not, Lent starts at midnight. Today we are celebrating Nuclear Survivers' Day by having a many different activities. Including; guest speakers, poetry readings, movie viewings and science exibits. Tomorrow is the national holiday so we do not have classes, but because it falls on Ash Wednesday we are having an all school mass. I love all school Masses, because it means the younger grades are going to sing....Nothing better then a hundred or so kids not afraid to belt it out!!! I hope all is well in the states and that during this Lenten season we can all grow in our faith.
Peace and Love,


Anonymous said...

Hey Hey...Happy Mardi Gras to you to dear! It was great hearing from you (highlight of my week). Enjoy the pizza, the day off school, and the Mass. (Try not to be as crazy this Mardi Gras as you were last...he he).
Miss you.
Love and Prayers,

Caitlin said...

Hey love,

I'm glad to hear you are keeping the Mardi Gras spirit alive. Every time I think of Clare's ball, I think of your feud with Katie Bilbrey and it makes me laugh. I hope you are doing well out there; I miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

I WINNNN! That was CLOSE! I think we are all a little off our game since you write so infrequently these days. We know you are busy however, so we all understand, it's just more and more like Christmas when you surprise us with a message.

So it's FAT Tuesday! I don't have plans tonight, I should go home and do laundry, I noticed an awful lot of empty hangars this morning. I was going to take mom to the Charthouse for dinner, but funds have dwindled since our bonuses are two weeks late so I will have to take her out next week, we are celebrating her b-day at Shannon's on Thursday.

The Russell Children have been ill, you may have known that, first strep then the flu, it's been a terrible few weeks for them,now, poor Mom has the flu, she's being a real trooper thought, with all the nice weather, she's not letting the simple flu hold her back.

Nothing new to report. All is well on the Dayna front. Life is good. God bless you during Lent and always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take Care of yourself...we miss you!

Love, Dayna

Anonymous said...

Hello, Soooo nice to hear from you. Our weather has been grand like 70 degrees differennt than 2 wks. ago. We broke a record high of 74 yesterday. I'm feeling better just sound sick. I hope all is well. Love, MOM And DAD XXXXXXXOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

Hello, Sorry I sign on anonymous but I forgot how. Hope all is well. We are having a snow storm!!!! Not really but we'll take anything we can get. We are very dry here. I'm going to lunch with my daughters today. That shoul;d be fun. Take care. Love, MOM xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...

Hi there Gregory P! It's the younger of Mom's daughters here. We had a great time at lunch yesterday. We ended up at the Corner Bakery and ended up splitting 6 different desserts - AFTER eating was just one of those days. Actually if we consider the dessert that Shannon bought before lunch and the one Bob bought, we had 8 desserts at the table, it was a BLAST! I just wanted to say hello...the day is about over so remember I love youa nd I think of you everyday...we were talking about you at Bunko on Tuesday, were your ears burning...
I Love you!
