Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's your lucky day....mine too!

Majuro, Marshall Islands
Sunday, January 28, 2006

Today my family celebrated my Dad’s 70th birthday. His birthday is on January 30th, but they had a surprise party for him at my Aunt Rosemary’s. I am sure that he was surprised, and I bet everyone had a great time. I am slightly bummed that I was not able to be there for the big event in person, but I know he knows that I love him. It is amazing to me to think that my own Father is 70 years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!
On a somewhat unrelated topic: I am also amazed to think that I will have been in the Marshall Islands for 6 months next Monday, February 5th. Every day has proved to be a challenge that has only helped me to grow as a person. At the same time I would also say that at times I find myself becoming comfortable with my surroundings. Lately, this has in effect been not only a blessing but a curse. “Why do today what you can put off ‘til tomorrow?” has become a personal conundrum, with an answer more elusive then my efforts. As a JV, I am here to better understand what life is like in Majuro, which at times is not as adventurous as it sounds. It takes time to build relationships and acquire a sense of belonging. And by belonging, I am not referring to simply fitting in because I feel welcomed; but more accurately in the sense of purpose. Why am I here? (Side note…. As I am writing this I am only imagining the love filled responses that I will receive, providing words of support and small antidotes expressing with unadulterated sincerity the impact that I will have on the people that I serve. And I smile and laugh knowing that I am blessed to have the family and friends that I do.)
Returning, however to the question that I am rhetorically asking places me in a position that is not as comforting as I once thought this experience would be. As a kid I was taught to believe that one could be anything, one wanted to as long as long as one merely worked hard enough. The possibilities that laid before me were only limited by my imagination. This idea, weather or not it is true, or just the propagation of an unattainable “American Dream,” provided me with the allure to go out and change the World. Weather it be by finding a way to end hunger, a cure for cancer and AIDS, or stopping all forms of discrimination did not matter. What was important was that if I truly wanted it, if I did everything I possibly could and I worked hard enough I could make the world a better place. I could fulfill the cliché, I would make… “Peace on Earth.”
So I ask myself, “Why am I here?” not because I feel that I have awakened from a dream of wishful thinking, but because I am in the process of waking up to the true meaning of why I am in fact here. The downfall is that I have never found it easy to get out of bed in the morning; which has left me in a rather disconcerting position. Now that I have woken up I have to make the decision of weather or not I plan to get up, or roll over and go back to sleep….
I find that it is very challenging for me to maintain a journal which is unfortunate. I have a hard time putting this experience into words and feel overwhelmed with the idea of recording the events of the day. Instead…My life in a nutshell….. “How did I get in this nutshell?”
The High School put on its annual Variety Show last weekend. It was a good time, and was a lot of work for the students and teachers. They raised 12 grand….which was Awesome! I was in two different dances that the faculty put together, and am in the process of getting a tape of the show to send home. I am currently teaching about epithelial tissue in biology and my students are constructing diagrams of skin out of construction paper and labeling all the layers and parts. My English classes are going well and hopefully we will get started on our quarter project this week. My plan is to get all of Assumption involved in putting together a collection of poems and short stories about the nuclear testing that occurred in the Marshall Islands. March 1st is our deadline, which is Nuclear Victims Day. This is a project that has been done in the past, so I am a little apprehensive about taking it on….I’m sure it will be a great learning experience for everyone! Community life is going alright. We some how managed to bounce a check…Yikes. We had the money to cover it. It was just a miscommunication. I am taking over all finance business….Starting now, so wish me luck….
I started running/jogging/walking briskly/walking/sleeping….LOL! Not a big deal but it’s a start. Don’t hold your breath. The Weather has cooled down a bit and it’s been rainy and wet. Next weekend we have our JVI retreat. I’m looking forward to it, we have decided to make it a silent retreat so I hope to write a lot of letters. I saw the a couple movies including “Wedding Crashers” and “The Chronicles of Narnia.” I have also heard that the there has been a lot of hype about the author of A Million Little Pieces exaggerating the truth and would love you forever if I could get the scope on the issue either on tape ie Oprah….or any articles. It kind of makes me sad, but hey it was still a good book….And as we all know “If it sounds to good to be true….then it probably is…..” Or in the case of A Million little Pieces…..If the story sounds to awful to be true…..
Lastly, Postage to the RMI has gone up so check with your local post office before placing your letters in the mail. I love you and pray for you. Peace and Justice.

PS. The blog below is also new so go pee and come right back....LOL


Anonymous said...

Hello, Hope all is well. You sound good. The mtns are getting all the snow and Denver is dry. I'm hoping we get some before Spring. Take care I love and miss you. LOVE MOM xxxxxxxooooooo

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was such a well written blog...Greg is that really you...just kidding! You know, I think the question of whether or not to get up or roll over and the question of our purpose is one we shall ask for eternity. I mean do we really ever find purpose here on earth??
Prayers and love,
P.S. Happy Birthday Mr. Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gregory, nice to hear from you, and thanks for the personal message (e-mail) and support and encouragement. It's been pretty easy, I just quit buying them. It's not necessarily getting erasier, but I miss them less I think, but I am considering cesassion classes and assistance none the less, my chances for success will be much greater.

We had a lovely time at Aunt Rosemary's, I think everyone really enjoyed themselves.

You know Bailey and Riley's Mom, Cathy is pregnant? She's due this Summer as well as Marcelina - yep, she's pregnant too! So there was LOTS of good news to share at the party. We also got to meet Uncle Richard's new girlfriend, April, she seemed nice and he seemed happy so that was great. Even Aunt Rita came, she did so well with the big crowd, you know, she usually shys away from that kind of excitment, but she really held her own, it was wonderful. We didn't leave until close to midnight, I think - as suprise parties go, this one took the cake.

Well, I won't write a novel, it's so good to hear from you and to catch up on your life. I love you and hope you keep us more in the loop when you can. Also, when is Summer vacation? Or do you work year round?

I love you and hope you are having a great day, take care and KEEP THE UPDATES COMING, we all SO look forward to the messages.



Caitlin said...

Two updates at once! How exciting is that? In answer to your questions, yes, I walked along the river--it's really nice:-). I mostly ate at the hotel, but also at this little coffee shop called Sip and a restaurant in the River Center called Luciano's or something--it was really good! I was thinking of you today, and now I can't really remember why, but I was, as I often do, so I was stoked to see the new blog. We're all missing you and my prayers are with you, as always,
