Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Me teaching....Yikes!!!

And so it goes.....This week has had its fill of ups and downs and I'm only half way finished. It is currently after 10pm and I had one heck of a day...Today in my sophomore biology classes we were to discuss the homework (that many didn't do) and then the scientific process. Now lets just say it isn't the easiest thing to do. The one saving grace is remembering my own High school experience...I too would have not wanted to be there and most likely wouldn't have done my homework....Karma....Bites you in the butt, doesn't it....LOL (that means Laugh out Loud in case you didn't know...Mom) My English class is also difficult. We are working on the Writing process and they are to write a five paragraph essay about their lives....Its like pulling teeth....Hopefully this weekend I will get a better gauge of where they are as far as ability because I am collecting there notebooks. We have been doing writing every class...It is composition 3 after all Tuesday was awesome. We all went out side and I told them that they could write on what ever they wanted to, they all looked at me in disbelief and then when they became comfortable with the idea they all seemed to be doing agreat job. What I am struggling with the most is finding ways to relate what I am teaching to their life. Even though right now it may seem pointless.

As far as questions from the peanut gallery go....

In the Marshall Islands everything is pretty much laid back and casual...The ideas of initive and the individual are foreign. As for as what the kids call me it is quite simple....They call me Greg....Some have taking to calling me Mr.G but for the most part all teachers including the principal are addressed by their first name. Very Interesting if I must say so myself!

As far as the lice goes...we now have two community members who have the bugs....These lice are also no ordinary lice....They grow them big out here in the islands compared to the lice I have seen in Colorado while working with the Rocky Mountain HeadStart. Lice here are a fact of lice it is common from students to have them, but it is still not desired. In fact during breaks and lunch it isn't uncommon to see girls going through one anothers hair. Diane has also informed me that apparently lice make a popping sound when bite. Apparently some of the kids bite the lice to make them pop! mmm!

Harris my bud
There is a young boy, about 10 who is very well behaved and his name is Harris. Considering the fact that he is not in school and his father just past away he is an incredibly good kid. The difficult part is the fact that he is not in school....This my at first seem to be only a money issue, because it does cost $700 a year to attend Assumption elementary, but looking deeper it is a much bigger issue. Harris is not the only kid in school in fact many kids don't attend the public schools either, because there is no room and they are over crowded. I often think about the saying "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach a man how to fish and he'll never starve." The bigger problem with this is that as a JV community we have the money to send Harris to school...( we do have a savings account that has accumulated over the years). But what does this solve. Are we creating a dependence? Just like we don't usually give food to the kids, because then where do you draw the line? and then what about when we are gone, who will pay for his schooling then? The questions that I am asking are not all that new to me. The difference is seeing them first hand. I am here for these two years to "walk in solidarity with the poor" I am not here to offer a hand out, to be the "big, bright American" with all the answers. And even though I am unsure what my role is exactly I hope that as time goes on I am able to push myself to ask the tough questions and to challenge my own outlook on life.

Well, If that came out as rambling I do apologize, but Its been on my mind...So thanks
Keep me in your prayers cause you all are in mine.
Nothing but Love


Anonymous said...

Morning brother! It's about 9am now and I'm at the office, have a lot to do today, but I just received word you updated your blog and wanted to make my response a priority. WOW is all I can say, sounds like you are tackling some tough issues. I still can't believe you are teaching Biology, not because you can't but because it must be hard to get excited about teaching a class that never interested you in the first place! Ugh, I would feel just like you - I remember those days of complete avoidance - homework wise, but you will get thru to them, knowing you, you will find a way to make Biology fun, interesting and entertaining. Or the other option is to give everyone "F's" Muhahahahah as Shannon would say! Kidding of course - about the "F's"!

On a more serious note - damn LICE, everytime I read about that I am reminded of a conversation I had with Shannon, we have decided that if we ever contract Lice, we will shave our heads, no questions asked...thank goodness our chances are low!

Shannon and I went to a candle party last night, it was nice, the girls came with us. I am looking forward to Friday night, we are celebrating Maddy's B-Day then, should be a good time, she seems very excited. Saturday night is Shelley's bachelorette party - not really looking forward to that, just more money down the tubes - but that's what weddings are all about when you are part of the bridal party. Thank goodness the madness if over in a few short weeks.

Well the boss man just walked in, he's been out of the office so I better get crackin'. I love you and hope you continue to find your way. You are doing amazing things, never loose site of that, ok!



.daniel. said...

Hola, Gregle! Ciao, Gregle! I'm going to e-mail you so e-mail me back, punk.

Caitlin said...

I totally thought I already commented on this! I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. As for Harris, you may not be able to help everyone, but it's still pretty great to make a difference to someone, however you choose to do so. You're always in my thoughts. I'm waiting for a letter from Majuro, mister!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. G,
It sounds like you have your hands full and your soul and mind busy! I too am having a difficult time teaching. My girls are not as bright as I had thought they may be and they give up on themselves so easily. It is so hard to get them to make connections. I gave my first quiz on Friday and let's just say that Dayna's idea about F's isn't that foriegn!! I feel so frustrated when we go over and over and over a topic and they still don't get it...urgh...but that is why I am here and you are educate their minds and to be positive role models. I just spent the morning moving rooms...urgh...the stress!!! The house is a wreck. Also, a huge category 5 hurricane is about to hit Biloxi, so I'm worried about my parents. I'm totally stressed so please don't feel alone about feeling overwhelmed or not knowing how to reach the kids...I'm there with you dear!!! Oh today is such an emotional day...I started crying earlier for no good reason. But, on a brighter note...yesterday I went to Beverly Hills and Hollywood...boy do I have a story to write you...funny funny was sooo like a movie (he he). Greg, I'm so proud of you...I cann't say that enough. I can tell, just in what your writing, that you have already grown!! You are in my thougths more than you realize and there is a core four picture in my classroom, so I see you both at home and at work. Oh, big bad Ms. Bush has already given out four demerits!!!! Well, I have probably written your ear off. I miss you and hope to hear from you soon...what is the phone situation?? Best of luck with Harris and all the new people in your life. Let me know if you need Bio. help.
Loving and missing you,

Anonymous said...

Hi brother, I love you. I had a seminar this morning, trying to play catch up this afternoon at the office. I am wondering if you have heard from Clare, Biloxi got hit hard by the storm this week, just wondering how her family faired and I don't have her e-mail address. God bless you, your housemates and the people of RMI, today, more than usual, I feel very blessed and hope that you remember that you have made an incredible leap of faith and that we all are so tremendously proud.


Anonymous said... email is

Anonymous said...

Hi there, just talked to Shannon, she told me that you called Maddy last night, what a great B-Day present. Shannon also told me you mightupdate your blog today - poor girl, now she'll be sencond in line to respond because I am not going to close this window on my computer all day! MuHahahahah!!!!!

Sent Clare an e-mail, can't wait to hear from her, hope all is well in her world. I love you...I miss you...and, I can't wait for my birthday.

Anonymous said...

Hi there bro! It's Tuesday, I took Friday off of work to work the Taste of Colorado and we had monday off so I've been away from my computer. Hope you had a nice weekend. I worked the Taste for Dawn's family, they sell nuts and needed some workers, and I needed the extra money. It was ok, but it was HOT and more work than you'd expect. So I didn't have much of a weekend at all, didn't get to see anypne really, went to one BBQ on Sunday night, but that was about it. Anyway, since I was out of the office on Friday, I am playing catch up today. I love you and miss you. Look forward to an update but understand you are busy. It's been nice getting the updates from Clare regarding the hurricane, at the very least she and her family are safe. What a blessing. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Daily check up, I mean check in...hope you are well...I am having a rough day, a little back stabbing going on in the office, UGH, politics...and big mouths, including my own. Well, I love you and I miss you and I hope you aren't too busy - update us, we are dyin' ova he'!