Monday, August 08, 2005


Well I'm here and boy is it hot....not unbareable but very warm. I have so much to say. So I guess I better start at the begining. We landed at around 10am on thursday (thats wednesday for you all) and meet my fellow volunteers. There names are Chris and Diane. They were great. The weather was hot and sunny and the water was everywhere. We drove to our house minus our luggage. When we arrived at our house It was hard to believe that i would be living here for two years. The walls and floor are nothing but cement and the condition is in need of repare. The bathroom is also very interesting, but i did find the toilet facinating. It uses salt water from the ocean. (the question still remains....where does it go when I flush?...) After having a tour of our church and school aka "The Project", because it has been under construction and will remain underconsruction for an unlimited amount of time. We headed to Laura, The island of Majuro is a big U with the far end named Laura and the end near us named Rita. Anyway we dove to the end where we were able to watch our first sunset and drink from coconuts. It was way cool. And apparently a bit of a JV tradition. The next couple of days were a wirl wind of events, from meeting our principle, Fr. Rich our prist and the children who hang around. One kid in particular. his name is Kon and it suits him well aparently he opperates the kinder balack and smuggles snacks on to the school grounds and sells them from a higher price. He I can tell by his feet and the sores on his legs that he has had a hard live. The two of us played with the other kids as well and ended up using Jenga bloxs to consruct a tower. He also taught me his handshake and i taught him one to....Now everytime I see him he insists that we shake hands...not once but twice. Saturday was Diane's 23rd Birthday so we went out to dinner, I had a burger it was mmmmm good. On Sunday Chris and Diane had people from church over for brunch there was about 15 of us...seveal nuns and a couple people from the community. Emily Jacqueline and my self attended mass on both Saturday night and Sunday morning which is what the 5 of us will do every week, because the english mass is on Saturday, but were unable to all attend this week cause Chris had to cook brunch...Speaking of cooking...I need recipies...I am supposed to cook dinner on Friday, and am sure I will be able to come up with something for this week but would love to receive suggestions for the future cooking I will be doing weekly. Yesterday.....(Monday for me) We went to the US embassy and had a small social with the ambasador She attends our parish along with several of the Embassy staff. Many of the other voluneer programs were also there it was nice. Today Jacqueline and I had the fun task of clean our desks in the teachers office and boy was it fun...but at least now I have my own work area in an air conditioned office.

Ok So I kinda was getting side tracked. These are just a couple of things that I have observed since arriving in Majuro.
1) its hot
2)air conditioning is nice...i love going to the grocery store
3) all the children who hang out at our house and color are very friendly and their parents most likely have no idea where they are.
4) there are MANY other volunteers World Teach, Dartmouth Volunteers, Japanese Volunteers, peace core, and there have been many volunteers before me.
5) My community is great and we are geling nicely
6) rats are huge
7) I dont have an ear for Marshallese...and will require hours of practice
8) the reason why i am here is ever changing...and the question of weither i am as a volunteer doing more harm or good is going to be ever present.
9) Taxi rides to the store are only 50 cents and are a great way to enjoy AC
10) the house phone is out of order.
And finally....
No matter how much I write I can not capture everything I am experiencing in words.

Ok so here is some basic Logistical stuff for those of you who are interested.
I will be teaching 2 sections of both(drum roll please...) Sophmore biology and Junior English.
There are 7 periods in a school day and will always have 4th and 7th off.
Each one with in our community is required to cook dinner once a week and do dishes once a week. The high school students do not rotate for classes, instead the teachers do.

Most likely I will check back in a week love you all XOXO


Anonymous said...

So good to hear about your adventures. I love listening to the way you tell a story. I can see Kon now! Sounds like you are dealing with a lot of change, it also sounds like you are being a real trooper about everything, especially the rats - I would FREAK! Let us know what you need/want we are all certainly willing to send box after box of special traseures for you all. I am drawing a blank on the recipe issue, but suggest thinking Mexican, if you can get mexican food there. For instance, nachos, burritos with beans, quesadillas, cheese enchiladas, velveta and rotel dip - heck I can send that to you in the mail, that stuff NEVER goes bad! Not knowing what is available to you, it's hard to say, but I will keep on this one and get back to you with more ideas.
I am at work, need to get started on a few things, but I love you and I miss you and I want to participate in your new life so tell me what you need and I would love to send you a goodie box, any luxuries of home you wish you hadn't departed without?

Let me know! Love you so much! You are in my prayers.

Caitlin said...

Gregle! SOOOO good to hear from you~it sounds like you're having fun. English and biology, huh? good luck with that. :0) I'm sure you'll be fine! I'll send you a letter now that I have your address. So, you haven't met anyone named Mao-Mao, have you?? Are you supervising any extracurriculars or anything? Try not to melt in the heat, and I'll try to send some recipes along with my letter.


.daniel. said...

Hey bud! I'm in the public library checking my e-mail, which hasn't been done in a week! So weird not to do that kind of stuff regularly or without knowing when it'll come next, even though I am in civilization. It sounds like everything is going well. Have you gotten the iPod yet??? Sort of worried about it, even though I insured it and stuff.

Public transportation is crazy. Don't really know if I like the whole bus thing, but it's humbles me, I guess.

Love my housemates; however, only time will tell when we will kill each other. Love you, bud!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Greg, I really have butterflies in my stomach just reading your blog!! I made it to LA and while this is no Majur...I feel some of the same. Our house...dirty, bugs, hot...etc. Yeah Sophomore Biology...we can share lesson plans!!! I know the kids will love you (and everyone you encounter for that matter). I'm feeling a bit sad, excited, nervous, scared...and I sure do miss you!!! Great job keeping in touch.
Love you and as always missing you,
Clare (Hey...does Kon know rock,paper,siscor...since he likes the handshake.) :)

Brian said...

hey greg,
guess where i'm writing from--no its not l.a. or alaska but mobile alabama! doesnt that sound interesting? i'm glad to see all is well in your neck of the world. keep the blog updated. i can't imagine me doing what you are doing. i respect it a lot. good luck with everything. -brian

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg,
Brigid and I are sitting in the St. Matthias library checking our email. Guess what??? Our similarities keep on lab and my classroom have no AC...I will be feeling just a little bit of your pain. St. Matthias is so different...they are the fly by the seat of your pants...wait until the last minute not me...oh well, this will be two years of tons of growth.
Brigid and I went to the beach on Sat. Stuck my toes in the Pacific for the first time ever. It was neat, lifeguards in red shorts (just like baywatch), surfers, Cally. Brigid and I walked to Mass this morning (and got wistled at 2 out). Becca has been calling me and we are doing dinner tonight. Our third roomie, Ryan, comes in tonight...our family is growing. How are you dear? Good luck with the first day...I will be praying for you (15th here which is the 16th there). Please pray for me, I start ruining the minds of the young on the 18th. Gotta run.
Missing and thinking of you more than you know.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi Brother, how are things going? You've been quiet for a few days and we are all abuzz wanting more information. We know you are busy so we'll be patient. Not much to report from my post, everything is the same, work, home, oh wait one thing has changed, I'm not eating anythig white until the 10th of September, I have to fit into that silly wedding dress (that I ordered too small) so now I am in desperation mode, working out and not eating carbs, or atleast, trying not too, and only one diet coke a day, the rest of my liquid intake is water. Not much in the way of results yet, only 3#'s but I've got a few weeks. Wish me luck, the only thing I care about if fitting in that dress, after that - HELLLLOOOOO Taco Bell, Maggiano's, CHIPS AND Mom's DIP, you name it, it'll be Fall, I'll eat it!
So, I have been seeing someone for about 2 months now. He's got three kids - I know YIKES! They are 15 (almost 16), 13 and 9. Bree, is the oldest, AJ is th 13 year old, but he's REALLY small so he looks 9 or 10, then Kaylynn she is 9 but TINY too! Bill is their Father, he's an avid bike rider - BMX to be exact, but he's got to have back surgery this Winter which has put him out of commission. However, he and I have been riding for exercise and maybe I'll get into racing, can you imagine??? So now it's about time to start thinking about lunch and I am so limited on ideas that I am beginning to feel your pain about recipies, how did your first meal turn out and what did you prepare? Did your house mates enjoy your cooking? We can't wait to hear more about your adventures, especially the teaching part, how has that been going? I love you, wish you the best, you are a true inspiration!
Hey, be careful of the anonymous bloggers below, they are more or less pop up adds for other sites, don't view their links unless you know they are legitt. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! XXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXOOX