Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lice, Kids, and no Mr. Montoya....

Wow! It is so hard to believe that it has only been one week since I last posted a Blog Man I feel Loved with 32 coments on my last post. I wish I had the time to respond to each one of your coments but with the internet costing me 8 cents per minute, it adds up quick. After an hour I have already spent about a 10th of my salery! Yikes. But I will do my best to answer some of the questions I have recived...

Mom...Yes I got the box thank you am putting on a new set of sheets tonight and the zone bars are great. Please feel free to send some more Zone bars as well as golden Oreo's or chocolate. Im Glad to hear that all is well. And that you recived my card. I will try to call you tomorrow around 6 but dont count on it for 100% because I have to use the office phone and the secratary may not be in to let me use it.
Dayna...Wow...very interesting....please write me a letter and ill respond in more depth. The recipe segestions are good...I think Im doing Pizza tomorrow night!
Shannon....You down loaded Holla Back Girl....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR they are not apropriate for please tell them all Hi and give them all a big hug from me
Clare....It was so nice to have a card waiting for me when I got here....Did you get yours?
The heat is deffinatly a killer and Assumption Schools are deffenitly poorly organized....Im glad I have my community to vent with because we all find some of the ways they choose to do things to be very different then what we are used to. I hope all is well take care and keep on writing me letters...
Danny...Yo yo yo....I got the goods...The Ipod that is thanks a ton its nice to listen to while working on lesson plans I am going to try to get a letter in the mail to you asap. Please keep me in the loop
Caitlin...Thanks missy for the letter and the recipies...It was so nice to recive mail...The taco ring just made me hungry thinking about it...unfortunatly we have a vegitarian amoung I plan on writing you back this weekend.....
***If I didn't answer your question I apologize....I am not able to go back and forth between this screen and your coment screen so I did the best I could. :)

The details...
Well kids the fun has begun....Yes school has started and that awsome, but we also have an out break of Lice....Yes thats right my fellow community member name to remain anonomos...(Diane) has Lice....Last night the two other female JV spent over two hours combing her hair picking out eggs....mmmmm yummmy!
So classes started on the 16th and we had a half day both the 16 and 17. It was nice I got to meet my students and begin trying to learn their names....Here in the Pacific...It is common for individuals to raise there eyebrows to signify yes....It is very quick and very slight and I think I like it...At the same time it can be a bother when asking an entire class a question and no one says a will definetly require some skillful training on mybehalf. This past weekend we were invited to a volunteer BBQ it was nice, but Im deffinetly glad that many of the volunteers are headed out to the outer islands because I feel that many of "them" are here for reasons very different then my own...I hate saying that it makes it sound as if I feel my reasons are better, and thats not what I mean to imply....My reasons are just different, and dont include drinking heavly and acting like a "typical Ri-belle" (white person). I also found it very interesting when speaking to these fellow volunteers the conversations seemed to be very one sided...I seemed to be asking the questions and they seemed to be doing all the talking.....Man, Im knit
Today was my first full day of teaching. In my Composition 3 class we reviewed the student handbook and disscused ESLR's (Expected school wide learning results) It was a challenge to be able to define such terms as "the whole human person" and "Critical thinkers" But I think I was somewhat successful. Biology was different, We spent the first half of the period covering text books and the second half looking through the topics within ch1. Today was the first day I really felt like a teacher....I mean I told the kids to do something and they did it....and to all of you who know me well. I like being the now that doesn't mean I have let it get to my head It in fact has made me nervous....because with power comes responsibility....

The Caous that is Assumption HS
On the very first day of school we were supposed to have a hour long assembly. It only lasted 30 minutes at most and started 15 minutes late....all of the falculty was interduced, but there was no organization and many of the teachers had to be asked what they were teaching....In fact there wasn't even a list of all the faculty and Edna a woman who has been teaching at Assumption, since the Assumption...LOL was almost looked over.
The Irony is that as a JV I see the JV perpose to be that we are trying to "work ourselves out of a job" meaning, that if possible we would like to see the staff be of all Marshallese individuals, but it is ovious that now it is not the time.
Two days ago we had a faculty meeting. and intead of retaining one girl who managed to slip through the cracks and was promoted to 10th grade they were going to let her stay in 10th grade and promote the other 10 or so students that were held back....Im not making this up! Jacquline and I were speechless...In fact I started reading a text book because I felt like me being A) a volunteer and B) a new teacher I had no right to talk....Lukily Chris the veterain spoke up and the plan was changed....Things are deffinetly done differently here.

Im glad that tomorrow is Friday This week is going to be a lot of work....I have to put together my procedures for the classroom and lesson plan lesson plan lesson plan. I hope all is well I miss you all and hope to hear from you all...I bought stamps so start writting....

Gregory Montoya
Jesuit Volunteer's International
P.O. Box 8
Majuro, MH 96960

Nothing but Love,


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.daniel. said...

Hey probably won't read this for another week, but I have some time so I'm going to leave a comment! Sounds like lots of craziness! I was looking at a map yesterday and think it's insane how far apart we are considering we were all stuck at the hip but a few short months ago.

It's sort of chilly up here. It's been gloomy and rainy and misty. It's like low-60s, and Dan doesn't like. :(

Anyway, paix!


Caitlin said...

Hey Honey! So good to see a new blog from you!!! I'm glad you got my letter and all--I'll send some veg recipes next time so that all your roomies will be happy! I'm so excited for you that everything is going well--don't get lice! Is anyone in your class named mao-mao? ;-) I look forward to getting a letter. Did you hear I got a job? I'll write all about it in my next letter. BIG hugs!!!

Caitlin said...

PS-your mom's mention of Tastefully simple reminds me of spinach dip in the apt and the strawberry festival in Loxley :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Montoya,

Soooo glad to hear from you. I got the letter, it made my day and the little flower was a great touch...have you gotten yours yet? Reading your email is like reading my mind. We too have ESLRs and caos!!! I too spend my nights coming review procedures and lesson planning, lesson planning, lesson planning!!! I have two really big things to tell you, but they are soooo interesting I want to save them until the next letter!!! It is crazy to think that our days or so similar yet so different!!! Oh, I hate to break it to you, but there is a new man in my life...the repair man...Jesus...he is so nice and just the sweetest guy. He hooked me up today with an overhead and he even said he would build me a podium...I told him today that he was my new best better watch it Mr. Montoya...a note and a flower is one thing, but a hand built podium, what every teacher wants!! I'm planning on writing you this weekend!! You know you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope I remain in yours. You Rock...don't forget it!!! Tell the roomies hi and I hope the lice aren't too bad.
Much love and much missing you,

Anonymous said...

What an exciting week you have had little brother! I heard about the "Lice Incident" at Mom's last night, we spoke about you frequently, often times interrupting the presenter, but no one seemed to mind. People are in awe of your living conditions... I think Alicia (our cousin) threw up a little thinking abut the rats, she wasn't happy to hear about that. But Aunt Rosemary was all ears listening to all of the stories Mom shared from your call. She's always SO happy to hear from you. I've had a rather boring week compared to you, you seem to be working very hard and liking it and that is such a blessing to all of us here, we worry about you, but the level of strength and fortitude you have shown in your BLOG and e-mails is unbelieveable, you are exactly where God intended you to be I believe, what a humbling experience.
Speaking of power (or being BOSS), it must come with teaching, Alicia told a story of an unruly child at the swimming pool, so she just stared at him from across the pool, glaring, like a teacher/mom with the look of "don't make me get off this chase lounger!". Anyway he said to his sister, "look that woman is staring at me" and FROM ACROSS THE POOL Alicia mouths "You are right, I AM". He stopped being unruly and they all enjoyed the rest of their day - she too loves the power. So tonight is a concert at the Grizzly Rose, wish you were here to join us, Shannon is threatening to come, but she's got other commitments prior too. I will tell you all about it next week.

I love you, I miss you, and if there is anything you desire you let one of us know! Love, Dayna XXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOO

Anonymous said...

I'll keep this one short, just thinking about you this morning, hope you are doing well and that class time has been rewarding, I would like to know what the children call you - good question sister!

Shannon and I are going to a candle party tonight, I asked mom, but she's not interested, I tend to agree with her that the product is WAY overpriced.

So it's almost Labor Day, I am looking forward to a 4 day weekend as I have requested the Friday prior off and we get that Monday. I also have to take the 9th off for wedding rehearsal, unfortuneatly they have bridal party events scheduled during business hours, a little selfish and presumptuous I'd say - but I agreed to be in the wedding, right?

So, I sent you an e-mail, looking forward to a response. Love you so much!

P.S. Did you know I now have Zed? We are great pals, he seems happy at my place although I worry about it being too small and without a yard, but I am told Poodles aren't that picky so I think I'll keep him.

I Love you!

