Monday, May 12, 2008

25! and still ALIVE

I have not written on my blog since June of 2007. Almost a year later and older I find that I don't have much to say. Life is good. In 6 weeks I will be moving to LA to begin PLACE (Partners in Los Angeles Catholic Education) a two year program that will afford me the opportunity to get a masters degree. I am ready.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

G'Day from Down Under

Well I guess Montoyainmajuro has officially come to an end, but Montoya in Australia just doesn't have the same ring :( Things here are pretty crazy I went for a walk this morning and think I'm in love Sydney is wicked cool and cold! I am still trying to get my land legs and adjust to the big city but for the most part things are looking up.... literally. Everyone is so friendly and its odd being surrounded by English speaking, white people. I feel a bit out of place. I have no idea what to do first and feel like I could just sit and watch the people go by for hours. I'll be sure to update the blog with some pics soon as I get my hands on an outlet converter for the ol' ipod.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

24 Years Ago...

24 years ago on this very day...The world became a better place...
today is a good day it's Friday, I took the day off from school( I made sure to ask teachers to cover my classes) I'm using the internet which is a treat and a half, I purchased my visa for Australia, this evening the JVs are walking from one end of the island to the other end (30 miles), and to top it all off it's my 24th BIRTHDAY.

I do not feel 24, but how would I really know what that feels like? I mean, I've never been 24 before, at least not that I can remember. I do know that there are plenty of people who are more than twice my age who have also stated that they don't feel there age and so I guess I'm not alone. Being 23 was a good run; a lot of things happend in the past year that I think have helped to shape me and prepare me for this next 366 (leap year in 2008) day journy of being 24.

I think 24 may be the best year yet. I have 9 days left of teaching before exams and then I no longer have to be the teacher, but hopefully will have a bit of time to just hang out with some of my students....BBQs are a good thing. Graduation will be on the 27th and my host brother along with my first batch of Junior Comp III will all (hopefully) be graduating, which is a kinda big deal in the states, but a much bigger deal here. And in one month and one day I'm planing to leave for Australia and spend some time with my good pal Dan and then have a whole month to just "chillax" as my current Juniors would say. The only part not looking so bright is the piles.... and piles of grading that have accumulated on my desk. Grading is the absolute worst part of being a teacher.

The other JVs are all pretty good I think everyone is looking forward to the end of school and for the this chapter to end and for the next chapter to start. Jacqueline is going to the Gilbert Islands for a week in June before returning to the states, so her and I will hopefully leave on the same plane which will be cool since is will be 22 monthes since we arrived together. Emily and Mike will then be heading off to Alinglaplap for summer school, the island where I spent last summer and a week durning Christmas, I'm jelous in a reminisint way... They are going to have such a good time. They are teaching in Bouj and will be able to go swimming on one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.

Yesterday was our neighbor boys 7th birthday. His parents are volunters with Lay Mission Helpers and will be serving for 3 years. Anyway they are in the tail end of the adoption prossess and will be reciving there new baby any day now. Three other families from the states are also on island they already have there babies and were all at Ocean's birthday party. One woman was there with 4 of her own children and had adopted a baby boy. Her husband had to return back to work in North Carolina, so she had the kids, the new baby, is home schooling, and they are staying in a hotel room. All four of us JVs were highly impressed by how well behaved the kids were. One of the women is actually from Arvada, Colorado (closeby) and has already adopted one little girl. It was pretty cool seeing all the well entended parents with their children.

Well, I'm going to go eat lunch I'm having a burger at the hotel where everyone stays when they come to visit.
Please post a note if you read this... I 'm sorry its been so long since my last post...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Madness

Well, it has been a while since the last time I posted back in December....And being that it is now mid-March I thought I better write something!
Life in Majuro is good. This week has been a nice break from the typical school week. We finished 3rd quarter exams last Friday and didn't have school this Tuesday because the World Youth Day Cross and Icon came to visit. A 8 mile walk from the airport to Assumption along with the stations of the cross and a mass at 2a.m. were all part of the celebration. I along with Emily Kraus, ran to the airport in order to walk back....Yes! believe it or not yours truly was able to run the whole nine miles there in an hour and 20minutes and then walk the 8miles back with the Catholic community. It made for great memories. Wednesday-Friday are reserved for the SAT9 standardized test so I have been enjoying super short days. Tomorrow I will only have testing for an hour!!! The high school faculty is planning a pool side bbq at the Marshall Islands Resort.....I've tried to tell you that life on an Island is very HARD!!!!

In other news it looks like my plans to Down Under are in fact going to work out after all. I was worried that they weren't but so far so good. I also been recently bet by a reading bug and have been reading...and enjoying learning about both Obama and the former first lady Hilary. I think it would be way cool to work on one of their campaigns in the upcoming election. They both are amazing people.

Not that I'm counting but to day marks 76 days until my responsibilities as a teacher at Assumption are over. I remember my first 100 days and am amazed at all I have learned and gained.

Bar lo kom,

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas at 86 degrees!!!

Merry Christmas! Here are some pictures to celebrate
Fr. Rich and me

Emily Kraus, Emily Capurso and me

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas time...

Life in the pacific is good. I got a wonderful package from my parents full of was just what I wanted.... I only have exams left until I am free from 1st semester! Tonight is night 2 of the variety show and Wow can come of my students dance!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006


To whom it may concern;
If you have any understanding of how I can set up a podcast and connect it to my blog please let me know. I think I have a faint idea but could use some help. For those of you who think I'm speaking another language... a podcast is an audio file that can play on MP3 Players such as IPODS and through the speakers of your computer....which means I could record messages and save them to my blog...Which would be way cool and a ton faster then typing...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.