Saturday, September 09, 2006


Iakwe and hello... This weekend has been great. Friday night the five of us went out to celebrate the end of Phase II, and the end of our first week of school. We ended up getting chocolate milkshakes from one place and being severly disapointed and so I being the brave one...LOL decided that we should go somewhere else and only pay for what we already did enjoy...a pepsi and a bottle of water...Long story short we left and got higher quality chocolate milkshkes with a little Baileys if you know what I mean...mmmmmmmmm It was a lot of fun. Saturday morning Emily Two and I walked the islands....we left at 8am and walked til noon before turning back... because the way an atoll is formed you can walk from one island to the next during low tide. It was way cool and I was glade to be doing it I have lived here a year and it was my first time. Being able to see the waves breaking on the ocean side, the blue lagoon and the clear blue sky all at once was pretty crazy. On our way back we ended up stopping at the Dartmoth volunteers house which is on the island of Edjit. They were way nice and when we left they pointed us in the best direction to get back to the island of Majuro....but because the tide was coming in...Emily and I had to walk in water up to our chest with our backpacks on our head. I lost a zorrie in the prosses and was glad that I had broght a pair of watershoes...we got back to our house ok...exept for a few stairs from the locals...two white people walking down the road driping of them wearing one water shoe and one Zorrie...( The water shoes hurt my feet in the first place becaue they were a little small...other wise I would have just worn both water shoes) I also have to complain about Banana boat sunscreen. I put it on once before we left and then reaplyed THREE times, but the back of my neck is FRIED. So go figure. It was worth it. and I would like to do it again, next time I would like to try to go even farther...maybe I'll have to wear a scarf???
Love you and miss you. Less then 5 months til I get to see my folks and less then 9 months until this is over...