Wednesday, June 21, 2006

5 weeks on a remote outer island in the middle of...

The Pacific Ocean. No electricity, No telephones, running water, or internet. Only a small taste of Paradise! Tomorrow, June 23rd I along with Jaquline and Emily will leave for the atoll of Alinglaplap, (pronounced just like it sounds) We will be spending our summer teaching summer school to the children in grades 1-8. This of course, only being an optional summer school the three of us will be able to do with it as we will in terms of lesson planing. As of now we plan to do a lot of review, focusing on math and English and in the afternoon do arts and crafts, science experiments and sports. Today we took eight boxes to the airport full of food, mostly cans of beans and tuna. The total weight was over 200 lbs. which seems like a lot, but its what everyone does. In fact we are under what last years volunteers brought by 40 lbs., and there was only two of them!!! I am both excited and only slightly nervous, This is a huge turning point in my JV experience, it is this experience that will lead me into my second year as a volunteer. When I return from these five weeks, I know I will come back changed, I will forever be indebted to the generosity and hospitality that the people of the Marshall Islands have shown me.
In more general news, I am currently reading a book called, Ishmael and it has blown my mind I think that it has caused me to begin to do alot of thinking on what exactly this experience has ment to me and how it will affect me in the rest of my life. I STRONGLY encourage you to read it, because I would love to be able to talk about it with someone...
It is so difficult to figure out what to write about so many things have happened that at first were out of the ordinary, but now have become second nature. Today two little girls came over to color( this is typical,we also have blocks,and sometime they ask to dance to a CD) , there names were Nicole and Aimi. The two of them have started coming over more recently, it seems that our house goes through a cycle, as the kids age they begin to not find our house as fun as it once was and so it takes a while for younger kids to start showing up. Anyway, Nicole and Aimi were coloing having a good time, when what do you think Nicole asked....??? Mungi? Mungi? Food? Food? This too is not that uncommon, and what am I to do? Yes we have food, but no you may not have any. Why? Well because if we give you some food where does it end, at what point does it become a dependancy....and this gets to a point when you have to just question EVERYTHING!!!! Well I hope all of you the best. Please say an extra prayer or two for me over the next 35 days, I'm sure I could use them. Love and God Bless

Sunday, June 11, 2006


I can't believe that I have not posted a blog since the begining of April. So much has happened and yet It has all seemed to go by in a blur.....
~My 23rd was great thanks to all of you it was a very special day
~The JVI re-o/dis-o reteat was a blast!
~Assumptions graduation, well done can't believe I have already tought for a full year!!!!
I will be spending sometime today and tomorrow writing a respectable blog.
Today is a big and kind of sad day because Diane is heading back to the states. So it is the end of my first community as a JV and it means that soon I will be a second year!!! I'm excited. I just finished emailing the two of them and am excited to meet them in early August!
God speed